Palatino XRefer ersion 1.0 3 4 9 1 - 1 Palatino Copyright 1993 V ision s Edge, Inc. *Portions copyright 1987-1992 Quark, Inc. All Rights Reserved. License Agr eement package (the 8ogram ), and licenses its use on the terms stated below: e m a i n s with V ision s Edge, Inc.; which the Pr 0ogram is designed to operate, except that the Pr ogram may be used only on one computer at any one time; copy the Pr ogram into machine-r :eadable form for backup purposes in support of your use of the Pr ogram. (Any portion of this Pr ogram mer ,ged into or used in conjunction with another conditions of this agr eement.); other person; )>9This license terminates if you fail to comply with any pr ovision of this Agr L eement. Y ou agr g e d portions in any form. Macintosh is a r egister ed trademark of Apple Computer , Inc. Disclaimer g,Quark, Inc. makes no warranties, either expr essed or implied, r ding the enclosed comput er softwar e package, its mer chantability B, or its fitness for any particular purpose. Quark, Inc. disclaims Sall warranties including, but not limited to, the warranties of the distributors, r etailers and developers of the enclosed softwar e c t , enclosed softwar 1actually paid for the use of the enclosed softwar lar developers. XRefer Palatino oduction X R e f e r e s s oss-r )S#encing of items within a single XPr ess document or acr oss multiple XPr ess documents. The e f e r e f e r e f e r set, they can be r %esolved, placing the page number wher e the r )S%ence is located at the spot indicated by the r elation markers. Minimum System Requir ements XRefer ence is designed for QuarkXPr ess 3.1. XRefer ence is network pr +otected and is fully compatible with floppy , RAM, or har d disks. o c e d u r gbasic use of the mouse, clicking, pulling down menus, copying files, and copying disks. If any of these ocedur es ar e new to you, please r efer to your Macintosh user s manual. Installing XRefer XRefer Cence, drag the file into the same folder that contains the QuarkXPr ess application. After this has $been done, place the original XRefer ence disk in a safe place. Using XRefer X R e f e r o s s - r e f e r o s s multiple XPr 1'ess documents by following these steps: Set r ence markers Mark r elations )> Resolve r ences How XRefer ence W e f e r e f e r es to r 1efer back to in other places in the publication. After r ence markers ar ,e placed in the text, the user next places r elation markers by using a e f e r e f e r Mmay be loaded into the palette as well. Relation markers indicate a spot wher e the location of the cor e f e r R E L A T I O N M A R K E R M o r e f e r below XRefer Palatino Once all r ence markers and r elation markers ar ")e in place, the last step to using XRefer e f e r e f e r e f e r then the XT ension goes to the spot wher e each r 4elation marker is hidden and inserts the page number w h e r e f e r was inserted to r efer the r eader to r ence marker 1. Setting Refer ences R e f e r e f e r the r ence markers invisible, select Hide Refer ences om the menu. Hidden r ence markers ), e still r 5esident within the text, so it is important to be car #&eful when editing text which has had r e f e r o make r ence markers visible, select Show Refer ences om the menu. Refer ences ar